Friday 20 November 2009

Istilah - istilah Dalam Internet

Search engine disebut juga dengan mesin pencari, dimana sistem yang ada pada sistem tersebut diolah melalui satu atau sekelompok komputer yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pencarian data. Data yang ada pada mesin ini dikumpulkan oleh mereka melalui suatu metoda tertentu, dan diambil dari seluruh server yang dapat mereka akses. Jika dilakukan pencarian melalui search engine ini, maka pencarian yang dilakukan sebenarnya adalah pada database yang telah terkumpul di dalam mesin tersebut.

Contoh mesin pencari ini adalah Google, Yahoo, Altavista, SearchIndonesia, dll.

adalah halaman di Internet yang menyediakan informasi. Alamat dari website ini biasanya ditunjukan berdasarkan URL-nya. Sebuah tempat yang berada dalam World Wide Web dimana homepage sebuah individual atau kelompok berada.

Web Page Sekelompok data yang tampil di world wide web, informasi ini dapat dimunculkan dengan menyebutkan alamatnya yang dikenal dengan istilah URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Halaman web ini dibuat dalam suatu format standar HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) dimana dokumen HTML tersebut disimpan dalam suatu server. Sedangkan untuk menampilkan halaman tersebut digunakan web browser.

Homepage Penulisan lain dari homepage. Lokasi di mana dokumen web dapat diakses.

Login Proses memasuki sistem, proses ini disebut juga dengan otentifikasi pemakai (user authentication).

Pengenal untuk mengakses sebuah sistem yang tertutup, terdiri dari username (juga disebut login name) dan password (kata kunci).

Logout Keluar dari suatu sistem yang memiliki proses seleksi untuk memasuki sistem tersebut.

HTTP Singkatan dari Hypertext Transfer Protocol, yang mana adalah suatu protokol yang digunakan oleh World Wide Web. HTTP mendefinisikan bagaimana suatu pesan bisa diformat dan dikirimkan dari server ke client. HTTP juga mengatur aksi-aksi apa saja yang harus dilakukan oleh web server dan juga web browser sebagai respon atas perintah-perintah yang ada pada protokol HTTP ini. Sebagai contoh, ketika Anda mengetikkan suatu alamat atau URL pada internet browser Anda, maka sebenarnya web browser akan mengirimkan perintah HTTP ke web server. Web server kemudian akan menerima perintah ini dan melakukan aktivitas sesuai dengan perintah yang diminta oleh web browser (misalnya akses ke database, file, e-mail dan lain sebagainya). Hasil aktivitas tadi akan dikirimkan kembali ke web browser untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna.

Download Menyalin data dari server secara remote. Mengambil file atau mentransfer file dari satu komputer ke komputer lainnya.

Upload Mengirim file dari komputer Anda ke komputer lain. Kegiatan pengiriman data (berupa file) dari komputer lokal ke komputer lainnya yang terhubung dalam sebuah network. Kebalikan dari kegiatan ini disebut download.

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Sunday 15 November 2009

What I Go To School For Lyrics - Jonas Brothers

What I Go To School For lyrics
Artist: Jonas Brothers lyrics
Album: It's About Time
Year: 2006
Title: What I Go To School For Correct What I Go To School For Lyrics Correct these lyrics

Lyrics to What I Go To School For :
Her voice is echoed in my mind I count the days till she is mine Can't tell my friends 'cause they will
laugh I love a girl from senior class

I daydream through freshman math While she fills our her college apps I'll show her a world where
we belong But she'll have to drive us to the prom

That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore You can call me crazy She is so amazing
That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore Girlfriends I've had plenty But she's the
one that I need That's what I go to school for That's what I go to school for

Her boyfriend's just turning nineteen But that doesn't bother me He's back at college out of town I find a reason to go round

I climb a tree outside her home To make sure she is alone She looks up and sees me there Still I can't
help but stop and stare

That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore You can call me crazy She is so amazing
That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore Girlfriends I've had plenty But she's the
one that I need That's what I go to school for
That's what I, that's what I, that's what I go to school for

Everyone that you see all day knows you're looking at me in a different way I guess that's why my marks
are getting so high I can see those tell tale signs telling me that I was on your mind I could see that
you want it more when you told me that I'm what you go to school for I'm what you go to school for

She's made her choice and I'm the one At least 'til graduation comes We drive past school to wave
goodbye My friends they can't believe their eyes

That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore You can call me crazy I know that she loves
me That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore Girlfriends I've had plenty But she's the
one that I need That's what I go to school for That's what I go to school for
[ What I Go To School For Lyrics on ]

What I Go To School For Lyrics - Jonas Brothers

What I Go To School For lyrics
Artist: Jonas Brothers lyrics
Album: It's About Time
Year: 2006
Title: What I Go To School For Correct What I Go To School For Lyrics Correct these lyrics

Lyrics to What I Go To School For :
Her voice is echoed in my mind I count the days till she is mine Can't tell my friends 'cause they will
laugh I love a girl from senior class

I daydream through freshman math While she fills our her college apps I'll show her a world where
we belong But she'll have to drive us to the prom

That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore You can call me crazy She is so amazing
That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore Girlfriends I've had plenty But she's the
one that I need That's what I go to school for That's what I go to school for

Her boyfriend's just turning nineteen But that doesn't bother me He's back at college out of town I find a reason to go round

I climb a tree outside her home To make sure she is alone She looks up and sees me there Still I can't
help but stop and stare

That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore You can call me crazy She is so amazing
That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore Girlfriends I've had plenty But she's the
one that I need That's what I go to school for
That's what I, that's what I, that's what I go to school for

Everyone that you see all day knows you're looking at me in a different way I guess that's why my marks
are getting so high I can see those tell tale signs telling me that I was on your mind I could see that
you want it more when you told me that I'm what you go to school for I'm what you go to school for

She's made her choice and I'm the one At least 'til graduation comes We drive past school to wave
goodbye My friends they can't believe their eyes

That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore You can call me crazy I know that she loves
me That's what I go to school for Even though it is a real bore Girlfriends I've had plenty But she's the
one that I need That's what I go to school for That's what I go to school for
[ What I Go To School For Lyrics on ]